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Welcome to Sandra's Blog my escape is card making l took it up in 2007 after l retired from the Civil Service l am recently Widowed have 3 children all grown up and flown the nest Five grand children Tayla, Nathan, Poppy, Mila & Rio they keep me on my toes l adore then but it's always nice when they go home....lol l like making my own cards and enjoy the challenges it provides Sandra H xxx

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Snippets challenge 498

Hello all
Hope your enjoying your Sunday
Weather rather dismal but dry
Its that time again for a new challenge with
And her l have a quick and easy card for my challenge
Here is the 2nd image of 10 which l bought from Etsy
Items used
Scalloped card stock 
Blue Designer papers/white card/blue card
Gems 3D Sticky Pads/Pre-printed sentiment/Die
l would like to enter into
Click on the link below
You will see lots of inspirational cards
And its a great challenge to enter
l am experiencing a lot of posts from 8-10 yrs ago 
Anyone else getting the same and how do l go about stopping it?
Any help will be most appreciated 
Thank you 
Sandra H xx 


brenda said...

Same dismal weather here Sandra, soon be Spring.

A really pretty image with lots of balloons.

B x

meg said...

A gorgeous celebratory card suitable for so many occasions, full and dreary here too

Gail L said...

Great card Sandra!
So colorful!
The sun has been shining here! Tried to snow yesterday, but wasn't serious about it!
A little cooler, but if the sun shines, I don't care!
A couple weeks ago, I had posts pop up that were old! For a few days. Seemed to have straightened itself out! Don't know what was up with that!

Sarn said...

Hi Sandra - love this colourful greetings card.
Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground. See you up in the treehouse shortly - the new microwave has been installed! x

Regarding your blog troubles - I read somewhere that it is probably due to you following blogs that have not been used for a very long time (so may have lapsed). Don't know if blogger is having a funny five mins - but if you UNFOLLOW the blogs, the old comments/posts will stop appearing. xxx

Lynne In NI said...

Beautiful card Sandra and fab layout too!
I went through a phase of getting lots of comments from really old posts. But they seem to have stopped now and I've no idea why!!

Pat said...

Lovely card Sandra, great image and beautiful colours. Dreary and very misty here today and seems a bit colder too.

Pat xx

Di said...

Great tip and one to remember! x

Di said...

A lovely card Sandra. Great use of layered snippets - and I do so love that Etsy image!

Stay safe, another storm on the way. We had a 50 minute power cut a couple of weeks ago and afterwards bought a fabulous LED lamp from Amazon (little torches didn't touch the deep darkness we were plunged into!
Thank you so much for being such a loyal player Sandra, am almost sure it was right from the very start of the Playground!
Love - and a cuddle from Dudley,
Di xx

Sandra H said...

Thank you l will look into doing that x

Sandra H said...

Thank you for continuing the challenge always a pleasure to take part xx

pinky said...

This one is just lovely. I love blues for any occasion and your parcels are just gorgeous!