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Welcome to Sandra's Blog my escape is card making l took it up in 2007 after l retired from the Civil Service l am recently Widowed have 3 children all grown up and flown the nest Five grand children Tayla, Nathan, Poppy, Mila & Rio they keep me on my toes l adore then but it's always nice when they go home....lol l like making my own cards and enjoy the challenges it provides Sandra H xxx

Sunday 7 July 2024

Snippets 484 challenge

 Hello all and welcome to my post 
My card today is not a happy card l made this for my
Sister-in-law who lost her husband my brother in May
Not only did we lose him but my Nephew died the same day
Both had been extremely poorly no more suffering 
This is my card 
l will use this card to enter into Snippets challenge below
Thank you for your visit 
Enjoy your day
Sandra H


Lynne said...

So sorry for your loss Sandra. That's awful losing two loved ones on the same day. You have made a beautiful card, love that shade of green xx

Sarn said...

Oh dear Sandra, I am so sorry for your loss.
The card you made is beautiful.

Thanks for coming to play in the Snippets Playground despite your grief. Sending my condolences and big hugs your way xxx

brenda said...

So sad Sandra, what a dreadful day for your family. I am sure your lovely card has given comfort.

B x

meg said...

Your beautiful card will have brought comfort to your family after such a terrible day

pinky said...

Oh my goodness Sandra that is so terrible! How on earth do you cope with such loss I will never know. My heart goes out to you all. Your card is beautifully subtle and a great choice for your extremely sad occasion. Sending hugs.

LesleyG said...

So sad to hear about your Brother and Nephew, sending sincere condolences to you and your family xxx

Gail L said...

So sorry to hear about your brother and nephew.
Hope this card brings comfort to your SIL.
Hard cards to make; yours is beautiful.

Di said...

Oh Sandra, I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your Brother and Nephew. Your card is beautiful and will surely have brought comfort at such a sad time. I often think of you and am quietly proud of how you rebuilt your own life after the loss of your beloved husband Dennis.

Love and hugs
Di xx

Pat said...

Beautiful card Sandra for such a sad occasion, so sorry for your double loss. Take care.

Pat xx

aussie aNNie said...

how pretty ... love the design and brilliant colours here, great post x

Darnell said...

Your card is sure to be comforting to her, Sandra. I'm so sorry to learn of this news about your brother and your nephew. It's tragic, even if it means no more suffering. Sending big hugs and love, Darnell

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